Thursday, July 24, 2008

[HY000][-901] [IBM][System i Access ODBC Driver][DB2 for i5/OS]SQL0901 - SQL system error.

ODB0000164 - STMT:00 [42S02][-204] [IBM][System i Access ODBC Driver][DB2 for i5/OS]SQL0204 - F9500003_CFRS_RIB in MYSYS type *N not found.
412/580 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject Thu Jul 24 00:19:16.257003 Jdbodbc.c8352
ODB0000163 - wSQLExecute failure. rc=-1
412/580 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject Thu Jul 24 00:19:16.257005 Jdbodbc.c8352
ODB0000164 - STMT:00 [HY000][-901] [IBM][System i Access ODBC Driver][DB2 for i5/OS]SQL0901 - SQL system error.
412/580 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject Thu Jul 24 00:19:16.257008 Jdb_drvm.c1096
JDB9900401 - Failed to execute db request
412/580 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject Thu Jul 24 00:19:16.257010 Jdb_exem.c6094
JDB9900856 - Failed to create/delete DB object for table F9500003.
412/580 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject Thu Jul 24 00:19:16.257012 Jdb_exem.c6212
JDB9900769 - Failed to create DB object for table F9500003.
412/580 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject Thu Jul 24 00:19:16.257014 Jdb_exem.c6214
JDB9900770 - If it happens that table F9500003 had this object topic before, this topic was deleted and needs DBA to recover it.
412/580 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject Thu Jul 24 00:19:16.257035 jdb_cfr.c505
JDB9900611 - Failed to create trigger for table F9500003

The joblog hints about the probable inconsistency between the system catalog and the object[existence] in the library.

Cause . . . . . : The trigger operation for file F9500003 in library MYSYS, for trigger F9500003_CFRS_RIB in library MYSYS, failed because of errors.

The operation was 1. The reason code is 6.

The operation codes and their meanings are as follows:

1 - Add a trigger 2 - Remove a trigger 3 - Change a trigger 4 - Create an SQL trigger program 5 - Register the trigger with Cross Reference 6 - Rename a trigger

The reason codes and their meanings are:

01 - Trigger name F9500003_CFRS_RIB already exists for library MYSYS. 02 - Maximum number of triggers has been exceeded for file. 03 - QTEMP was specified for either the file's library, the trigger program's library, or the trigger name's library. 04 - The Auxilary Storage Pool (ASP) of library MYSYS does not match the ASP of library MYSYS. 05 - Specified trigger time or trigger event is incorrect.

06 - Cross Reference failed with return code X'10A3' and diagnostic code 0.

07 - Trigger F9500003_CFRS_RIB in library MYSYS not found for file. 08 - Error generating or altering trigger name, maximum attempts exceeded. 09 - Maximum trigger ordinal number has been exceeded. 10 - Cannot create SQL trigger program. 11 - Cannot delete SQL trigger program *N in library *N. 12 - The CRTPGM command does not exist on the system. 13 - User not authorized. 14 - File has no triggers.

Recovery . . . : Do one of the following based on the reason code shown, and then try the request again.

01 - Either remove the trigger using the Remove Physical File Trigger (RMVPFTRG) command or SQL DROP TRIGGER statement, or specify a different trigger name. 02 - Optionally, remove one of the existing triggers using the RMVPFTRG command or SQL DROP TRIGGER statement. 03 - Specify a library other than QTEMP. 04 - Either delete the file and create it on the ASP of library MYSYS, or add the trigger to a library that has the ASP of library MYSYS. To determine the ASP of a library, use the Display Library (DSPLIB) command. 05 - Use the Display File Description command (DSPFD) to determine the correct trigger time and trigger event for the specified trigger name.

06 - Use the Reclaim DB Cross-Reference (RCLDBXREF) command, specifying OPTION(*CHECK), to determine the correct recovery. If the problem persists, report this problem using the Analyze Problem (ANZPRB) command.

07 - Specify a different trigger name, trigger time, or trigger event, or specify a different file. 08 - Specify a different trigger name. 09 - Remove all the triggers on this file using the RMVPFTRG command, and then add them back using the Add Physical File Trigger (ADDPFTRG) command. 10 - See previous messages. 11 - Delete the program using the Delete Program (DLTPGM) command. 12 - Ensure the CRTPGM command exists on the system when the trigger program is created. 13 - Get *USE authority to the CRTPGM command. 14 - Specify a different file.
More about RCLDBXREF

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