Friday, January 9, 2009

Security history table F9312

The Security history table, F9312 stores various events like Add user,Password change,Add F00950 record,data item type change,auditing turned on etc.To check the complete list[27] of events that are monitored, do a select on the UDC[98,ET].
P98OWSEC application is used to view the F9312 table.
Open P98OWSEC application --- Form --- Security History. This will open the Work with Security history application.Do a find now.
Note that this will just track the events listed in the 98,ET.It is limited to a set of tables [F0092, F92*, F00950, F9500001,F95921 etc.,].If you want to monitor the changes made to a desired table[say F0101],you need to set up 21 CFR 11 auditing and enable tables for auditing.P9500005 application is used to view the changes made on those tables.

System user in E1

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