Wednesday, October 29, 2008

solving java.lang.IllegalAccessError exception

Java documentation says IllegalAccessError is usally thrown if an application attempts to access or modify a field, or to call a method that it does not have access to. Normally, this error is caught by the compiler; this error can only occur at run time if the definition of a class has incompatibly changed.
The exception format will be "java.lang.IllegalAccessError:tried to access class CLASS2 from class CLASS1".Compile time exceptions will easy surface, so now we will talk about the runtime exceptions.

I will explain the scenario I faced and you can relate it your problem.
My application CLASS1 is compiled using JDK1.3 and CLASS2 from Oracle JDBC driver.During compilation I have been using a certain version of JDBC driver.
Now I had to test my application with a newer version of the JDBC Driver[CLASS2].Note that I compiled my CLASS1 with older JDBC driver in place.Now When I tried to use the newer version of CLASS2,the above exception is thrown.
CLASS2 in the older version of driver was PUBLIC and in the later version it is made private.So when I tried to access the method at runtime the IllegalAccessError exception is thrown.
In general check if the class or a method or a member variable's property has been changed from PUBLIC to private/protected.This is a good point to start troubleshooting this sort of issues.
It will also be better if you re-compile the CLASS1 with problematic CLASS2 in place.

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